
yup, they think he got railroaded

2007 Buzzfeed called and wants their lowest-possible effort listicle of shit everyone already knows back

The moment anything goes public, it turns to shit in the shortest order possible, it’s true.

how unnatural

and locks only keep out the lost and curious

I mean, the only real recurring location are the Vaults which are there and as to characters Harold I guess? I mean, that’s what makes storytelling in Fallout so easy, the series extends over centuries post-war in totally separate locations so it’s organizations and creatures that persist rather than

He’s almost always in Gotham but he’s also been in feudal Japan...I think the iconography and general circumstances are just the framework and not the canon of a story and the details of them have been changed a lot between authors over the years so I wouldn’t get too concerned over that particular statement.

I feel like the Vault 76 dwellers were very much idealistic and naive...they pretty much got fed nothing but good vibes in the vault and...that’s why so many of their bodies are littered across the hills of Appalachia 

against the wall 

and those people are routinely made outcasts by the rest of the Imperium fans who get the satire, that’s a small ugly group of idiots who the overwhelming majority would rather see vanish 

Yup, I only had read it once and it was like a decade earlier so it was just fuzzy details...I really need to reread it, its been forever! I think there might be a shot that he’ll have stuff start to get picked up if this Neuromancer show works out, we’re only just now coming out of the fantasy kick on big tv series

I spent years trying to figure out which of the Sprawl trilogy had the guy driving the armored hovercraft and the space factories until I finally remembered it wasn’t Gibson...

Yeah, true! I think BG3 is the only other one in the last year to really light people up like this

Not a spreadsheet in sight!

Autocannon turret last night decided to blast a charger last night, despite the fact that my head was passing right in front of the barrel at that moment. They’re ruthless!

god you’re arrogant, I had you pinned accurately as a complete asshole from the jump

WORTH can just mean the satisfaction you get from it, and there’s a lot of guns that have crap for range, damage, ammo multiples of those that make them unsatisfying to use. It’s not a matter of maximizing, but if you’re constantly out of ammo because your gun only came with 40 rounds you’re not going to have a very

hahahahahaaaa no, I’ve owned a truck in my life, you’re really at assumptions of who the fuck you’re talking to. Unsurprising, given how fucking dumb you are

Screw the meta.......but they really need to do a balance patch when they can because there are a LOT of weapons that don’t feel like you’re getting your worth out of them.

big fan of unlocking machine gun, gatling, and mortar turrets especially to use on the holdout missions. The mortar is such an efficient little tool...just be careful because it loves to kill you and teammates if some little bug wants to crawl around your feet sometimes.