
Yes, not all that dissimilar from parent brain, and guess who a lot of gamers these days are?

You should go hiking near old mining towns in Nevada

She may have tried, those slots may have been booked by then. Rich people wanting their big outings before the election makes them hole up inside their mansions

We all just have to sit at home in dirt huts staring at walls or it’s all meaningless showmanship according to some people apparently.

Sounds like bullshit meant to induce paralysation to me, fuck that. Private planes aren’t killing the planet, they operate on a meaningless scale compared to standard commercial flight. Is it more per passenger? Sure, but who gives a fuuuuuuuuck about that when its the end total that’s heating the planet and not some

No, it has zero risk of that. If they were the type of people to look into shit for themselves instead of being drip-fed by Fox and their Facebook groups, they wouldn’t be the kind of people they are.

Come on now, they’re Taco Bell, not Taylor Swift 🤡 they don’t have what it takes

That’s about 150k per motor, which isn’t terrible for an early adopter from a company that seems to not know its ass from a hole in the ground. They should grow in reliability and should come down in repair cost as they become more prevalent and should be much easier to reman than an engine.

I’ll bet there’s a bit of remembering his brother to watching movies like F&F

1's and 0's, presumably

So, just to be clear, ‘we’ is just you guys because we aren’t that interested

there’s always a few of  you fuckers, tell us about when you stopped watching tv too

why are you?

or running for president

Yeah, excitement in the way a crash during a nascar race is exciting

No complaints from me, this is a list of certified bangers!

It is incredible. The sleazebag ‘hero’, the sudden hard turn over to introducing an ex-military militia group, just the whole disgusting addictive grossness of the stuff itself...rewatched it a year or two ago after having not seen it in decades and wow does it ever hold up as certifiably fucking batshit but fun

The score doesn’t get a mention often enough, Silvestri knocked it out of the goddam park! That main theme is in my head right now just having looked at Dillon in the comments

Predator is the perfect 80's action movie. Aliens is the only thing that can even compete on the same level.

tastes like dirty carrots? Hmm, might have to try it again then, it was always too ‘green’ tasting for me, I prefer earthier flavor