and there’s zero chance this has any effect other than increasing the cost of food to people. Fucking tear this shit down, light it on fire, and throw it in a pit
and there’s zero chance this has any effect other than increasing the cost of food to people. Fucking tear this shit down, light it on fire, and throw it in a pit
They’ve literally blamed everyone but their own management and direction team
for only 8x the relative price as you could get it in SK I’m sure!
I sure hope it’s a pvp mode so I can, in fact, care even less than I do about this announcement
not everyone’s a fucking model
Bonne Maman is around, who needs Knott’s?
maybe that was it, I knew I’d read it somewhere lol
That’s a Funhaus bit isn’t it?
You wrote too much, you care way too much about this
70, and it sucks for single people because the prices and quality on so much of the stuff is much better than the grocery store, but comes in quantities that means I don’t have to go often enough to justify the cost. I might have to go only once every 4 months or so if that
Yup, immediately wrote it off. Feel bad for the developers that poured work into this but Ubisoft can go to hell
fox news showed the way for every amoral content producer to follow and it works every. single. fucking. time. it sucks
oooh that’s a tough one, I’m going to go with people who complain about taxes but gamers is definitely in the running
who’s shocked there’s a both sides twat running their mouth in the comments
canon is capricious and utterly arbitrary, existing only at the whim of the IP holder.
while that’s fine, fraudsters should still be hunted and prosecuted as well.
rich people problem, fuck em
Hmm, you might be right there actually
you’re a dumb fuck troll, fuck off you don’t give a shit and this is all the attention I’m going to give your dumb ass
And here I am waiting patiently for the next menu cycle for the chicken club chalupa...