I haven’t had Taco Bell give me a surprise or wretchedly wet shit since the 90's. It’s not the highest quality food for sure, but it might be the best thing for you you can get out of a drive thru window...not that that’s a high bar either
I haven’t had Taco Bell give me a surprise or wretchedly wet shit since the 90's. It’s not the highest quality food for sure, but it might be the best thing for you you can get out of a drive thru window...not that that’s a high bar either
Still sounds better than some tiktok bullshit I saw today of a woman who stuffed a steak into a glass jar with onion jarlic and herbs, and put it in boiling water for an hour and tried to pretend it was good (note she did not sear it after fishing it out of the jar). She had to be in her 30's so can’t even blame it on…
Yeah well they’re going to NAIL Fallout!
You’re not wrong, though I think it’s less seeing it as an investment and more not knowing how to match colors so they prefer things to be an even tone so they don’t look tacky, they’d rather the electronics blend in than be statements. Maybe they should have taught color theory instead of having us do paper mache in…
Sorry that not being catered to makes you so upset dipshit
There ain’t enough of you to fucking matter or you’d be catered to. Void your warranty or keep crying because no one else cares.
Most people don’t want wild colored shit in their living rooms. End of story.
Every fucking thing on pavement princesses, including the almost inevitable punisher and/or blue lives matter stickers.
Are you trying to steal a yacht from the shareholders, peasant?!
Yup, I separate it into strips on parchment paper and roll it up and toss it in a ziplock that I can keep reusing then I can just take out what I need
Language is an agreement, we agree its paninis. Shut the fuck up.
Yup, ordered mine from my niece before Christmas
Owala is the superior cup anyway, fuck them Stanley shits
February? April
This is a solid list, excepting the lack of Boltgun! Smashing heretics has never been more satisfying and quick!
why? because it rhymes. There, solved it for ya
You could just type ‘I am a fucking idiot’ and save yourself a lot of typing.
were you born this fucking dumb or have you been working at it?
pawn that shit!
you carrying water there bud?