
pawn that shit!

you carrying water there bud?

get fucked bud

Well one of the cocreators of Mickey also did an animated version of Little Black Sambo I found out a few days ago so...yeah the 30's wasn’t really greaaaat through the modern lens...

boy don’t you just sound about a tenth of a step away from ‘Jews sure are overrepresented in Hollywood don’tcha think?’ Bigot piece of shit, go fuck yourself with a broken axe handle.

144 out of 7.6 million isn’t a lot, fuck off with your trying to edge around your bullshit 

If corporate leeches who fight tooth and nail against stuff like right to repair were obliterated by a stray micrometeor, I’d laugh. I’d laugh pretty fucking hard.

I’ve heard a number of people in their 30's and 40's say they drink way less because they much prefer weed in whatever form because they don’t have to deal with a hangover the next day

and a lot of their mythology is slightly modified Norse myth

This makes me think that a lot of neo nazis are probably also AI bros, lots of crossover of ideals

Walt Disney was a well known anti-Semite so the tie in is kinda baked in

It’s like mold. You bake a delicious cake and it sits for a few days and gets mold on it, you’d have to be a nut to not want to just throw the cake out

Also they were so keen on getting a Mickey Mouse game out there when Walt was a renowned anti-Semite as well

It isn’t that modern either, it dates back to the heyday of the Hell’s Angels and the Civil Rights Movement drawing a bunch of those fucking chuds out trying to push the idea of a coming race war because black people weren’t allowed to be legally treated like complete and utter shit anymore

I think people familiar with 60's-70's American counterculture are way more likely to know it than WWII history nuts to be fair so I’m not that surprised you didn’t know it. 

because no one does returns anymore.........?

Ahh ok yeah 200 buck is too much for a controller, but on the other hand you’re really fucking stupid so I guess this whole comment is a wash

No the math doesn’t work out, the amount they increased the employee pay is far more than the increased expense+increased payroll tax.

Plant based and plant only aren’t synonyms.

children playing with their taxpayer paid for toys pretending they think they were in danger...just like they do with fentanyl or minorities. Cunts the lot of them.