
meanwhile, all the squirrels are dicks


So long as they get it corrected to match up with Citizens on Patrol

My R53 was perfectly reliable other than all the money I spent in repairs!...

I thought this was going to be a list of difficult or unreasonably complicated drinks or orders for things that aren’t even on the menu or something...instead its just fucking gatekeeping nonsense. What a waste of everyone’s time.

Imagine letting someone take a photo of you with that facial hair when you’re older than 13

Just train them to drive them into a fucking river

So Starbucks in the majority of US cities?

The only people more fucking insufferable than a Texan whenever chili is mentioned is a goddam Italian food ‘purist’. Fucking no one gives a shit what you have to say and everyone hates you, even the people that are agreeing with you.

only the EPA and fragile egos care about the difference

That poor building, having to house cops....

Only bigots, dumb motherfuckers and bigoted dumb motherfuckers do care for him

No, keep bleeding your money out Elon, find a way to increase the rate of bleed, die penniless and alone Elon!

Anyone acting like Musk isn’t visibly an incompetent egomaniac at this point is clearly just a troll trying to get their little squeeze of dopamine from negative attention.

figma balls

Yeah when you have infinite money turned on, you build a lot of stupid shit for no good reason

Wendy’s used to have meh fries, then they revamped them and they were incredible. Then covid happened and they wanted fries that could not turn mushy when out in a gd delivery car for who knows how long and it made them worse than ever. Just adding spice to them sure wasn’t enough to undo that wretched potato starch

oh yeah that’s just a given, that charred crispy skin and soft inside, honestly a charred marshmallow and a roasted brussels sprout are the exact same thing, even nutritionally I’m sure

Fudge, s’mores and rice krispie treats are my counterpoint, but it’s a very limited list

How in the fuck did the pumpkin spice frosty make the list?? I’m a complete trash eater, I’m already planning on having Taco Bell for dinner tonight...this frosty, which I was really looking to enjoy, is the first time I’ve ever thrown out a fast food dessert I’ve purchased. I got 3 bites in and it was like eating a