
If you’re a major shareholder who sees a drop in overall operating costs and thus an increase in your wallet there’s lots of appeal. So for people that aren’t just leeches on society? No, none at all.

You (you the company, not you the person who just had a job to write this, this shit sucks but not to the degree to quit over) can go fuck yourself.

You (you the company, not you the person who just had a job to write this, this shit sucks but not to the degree to

oh so those clips of Jacques Pepin cooking I watch on tiktok are just trying to poison me, got it.

The chopper provides a budget sink and projected force, both of which every cop in the country loves

by saying literally fucking nothing and letting the crazy person ramble against insurance in happiness

And now I remember it’s been years since I heard anything from State of Decay 3...

Always use the app to order from Taco Bell. Haven’t had a mistake on an order even with custom changes since I started using it

I’m not sure going to bat for fucking insurance companies is the look either.

it’s probably just making stuff for commercial use that they’re willing to sell to any consumer who needs that big number. Same experience with them for my 1GB connection though, I literally don’t want to move somewhere that doesn’t have google fiber because it’s been by far the best isp I’ve had in...uh...27 years?

That looks like a hoopy frood there

They increased prices by practically 50% and I no longer needed to go. The only thing they do that I can’t do easily at home is their tortillas. Thin and stretchy with a great chew but also gigantic and no I’m not driving 35 minutes away to the nearest Mexican bakery to buy fucking tortillas.

possibly the least consequential question ever conceived by the human mind

yeah, virtually every culture on the planet has ‘folded baked grain filled with stuff’

eeh looks like a lot of generic duds to me. Some actual highlights but not much to get me excited in that list. Especially Den of Wolves. Show me next to nothing and then have 4 guys in masks as your image? Oh, ok so its probably bland multiplayer fps in the vein of Redfall that will come out like a wet fart and

He’s saying he only believes in lords, peasants are too high class, he’d prefer they be serfs or slaves.

I think you meant AI art thief. AI doesn’t generate shit.

Now these, these are good ideas.

I want electric vehicles to proliferate, I want greater diversification of the corporate landscape and not the steady consolidation we’ve been watching happen. That said, I want Tesla, Twitter, and every other thing Musk has touched to crumble to dust and ruin and pull him down with it. I want history to treat him

I do a 50/50 of diet mtn dew/sugar free rooster booster offset the donut lol

the dipshits that buy this turd deserve to get ripped off