
Nonononono, not Duriel, not Duriel.  I hated fighting him when I was younger, oh god how I hated Duriel

tough shit, superstitious primitive

I agree with you, she seems to shut down the energy of the back and forth a lot and doesn’t seem to have the sarcastic incredulity of earlier episodes from a few years ago.  Now it mostly seems like ‘I don’t remember any of this’ and ‘what are you talking about?’  She isn’t ruining the podcast but she doesn’t seem to

and that’s how Casper was born

$55 for a stamped sheet of literally the oldest and simplest alloy of iron known to man? LOL ahh shit, the stuff they pay you guys to advertise sometimes

$55 for a stamped sheet of literally the oldest and simplest alloy of iron known to man? LOL ahh shit, the stuff

Yeah like...uh...people wanted it to be New Vegas Space Edition, how is that an elephant just because the author didn’t like the Fallout games?

Because yes, there is a very small minority of mewling crybabies that feel like they need to make themselves heard and pretend to be relevant even though they obviously have been proven not to be

Socialist? Why be so moderate!?

Well enjoy wallowing in your own shit thinking you’re making a point then

I lack the photoshop and/or skill but if anyone wants an idea, put him...really anywhere in the original 1954 Godzilla

Yeah, then they can sell that homework so they can afford the console and real game! Surely a major part of them playing MK Tour and Fortnite aren’t because they’re free!

Twitter can’t meme

It’s a neat trick how you manage to sound far more pretentious than the dev

A new map also means the devs can look at the mistakes made in making the previous map to adjust the timing of interactions better and give different types of weapons more primacy due to the rate you find yourself in particular environments.  A friend and I just started playing a bit of Apex again and it’s new map has

Oh to be so young to imagine mill decks are sadism... Unless you’re 40 and have had the joy of using a fully operational Stasis deck on someone. A mill deck gets rid of your enemy’s deck fairly quickly, a Stasis deck does it slowly, slowly, and they are utterly incapable of doing anything about it...or anything at

Who thought these 3 would blend? Also a 2 year old COD? That’s a pause-a-month right there

Who thought these 3 would blend? Also a 2 year old COD? That’s a pause-a-month right there

nah just an out of touch writer trying to understand something that passed them by calling it shit almost no one calls it

Don’t forget Irina, Karla, Yuria and Sirris! Also depending on your choices, literally Anri

It’s only weakness, it ends after an event a cliffhanger that DEFINITELY made me think I was getting an expansion or sequel that never came :( It was such a surprisingly fun game with perhaps the best NPC help in any game ever