
I hate you for showing me the future 

Should have gone with Scorpion

Funny you mention that game, the first few notes of the music for this immediately made me think of the Chrono Cross opening music

Not just gang bangers, the mafia pretty much collapsed from its peak power from a long chain of snitching on each other as they got caught following up from blowing up an Irish wannabe gangster in Cleveland in 77

So Jason, if this does well, what in your estimation are the odds that they do a similar remake of Link to the Past?

Same, same. Look, guys, I know you just released a new DLC that I bought, and freebie too but come on, you know Warhammer 3 is what you really want to do!

I can’t provide you a source without looking, but every single game Square Enix has put out on Steam and Switch are the mobile ports they had done for their home market that they then sold globally so whatever the mobile port is based on is virtually guaranteed to be what these are.

I played the mobile version of DQ1 too and actually as an adult I was surprised at how short the game was.  Much quicker to beat it than I remember as a kid.  Also was happy to discover I still had the muscle memory to navigate the cave from the starting continent to the crescent lake area without a torch

Nintendo Power got a decade worth of subscription money out of my parents in exchange for that subscription bonus (and all the magazines...).  So very worth it!  I don’t know that I would have been able to beat the game without those extras if I’d gotten it at the store on its own as a kid.  So much fun

welcome to everything.

Huffed a lot of paint in your youth, eh?

I think FF13 killed that hype for most people about 15

Easy to to tell if it’s Latin or Greek, if it Warhammer 40k butchered the word to make something cool, it’s Latin a la Primarch Sanguinius

Factorio finally had it’s ‘official’ release this year so nahhhhh

Hopefully Last Blade 1 and 2 are in the 20, then it’s a winner

You know, very, very few transgender M>F get genital surgery, they just take hormones and quite a few get implants and that’s it.  Even then they don’t cut it off...they flip it inside out and JAM it up in ya, those aren’t nerves you want to totally get rid of after all.

that’s why I like to watch Funhaus videos on Youtube.  The games are kind of just there as an accessory to facilitate comedy

That give me a good loud laugh, perfection

A shocking abuse of power over his ego getting bruised by an incredibly wealthy guy? What a surprise...

Do you like the Steam port? Because that’s what it will be, same for FFIV, FFVI, Secret of Mana, et all