
That’s about four times as expensive as spray varnish needs to be.

not really, no

You are missing the joke. I will explain it. The joke is on Seth’s character bombing with the gender stereotype jokes when talking to this guy. He is the inept character on the show, and the humor here is in him failing to be funny.

Possibly. But from a simple joke structure standpoint, I don’t see that joke as homophobic, simply because the punch isn’t “hehe, he’s totes gay.” It’s “he’s a shameless asshole who will do anything somebody commands.”

No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America. Everyone has equal rights by law regardless of their race. Quoting history is a moot point as white people have also been slaves if you go back far enough in history. All of which is completely meaningless as there is still no justifiable reason to

Can you imagine the uproar if a show called “Dear Black People” was created where the trailer shows a condescending view towards black people? Kinda puts the whole thing in perspective when you think about it. Not that I really care either way, just pointing out why people might find it offensive.

SJW cancer culture didn’t reach a boiling point until 2015-2016.

Change the color of the car and this story takes on a whole new hue.

Whatever happened to natural selection? And why the hell would a single person be given priorities over a couple who are working as a team to raise children? !? And what about adoption? This is just stupid.

the urge to slap you squarely across the vagina you call a mouth is high.

It took me one look on their front page to find an article that points out an important issue currently affecting a lot of men.