
So I'm guessing Kurt Sutter watched Game of Thrones and thought: "What this needs is more Katey Sagal and prison rape."

I just read the IGN review and my God, the man is an idiot. It's not because he didn't like the show and considered it bland. That's fine. Different tastes and what not. But he keeps throwing the word "Shakespearean" and the phrase "Greek Tragedy" around with seemingly no idea what either of them mean. It seriously

Problems enjoying WWE? There is a cure, it is called Lucha Underground.

I seriously doubt anyone who writes for IGN has ever read a poem.

Point Blank has never steered anyone wrong. Ever. That movie is truth on film.

Those, Brother Maynard, are the cries of the carrots. They have a life! They have a soul! Let the rabbits wear glasses!

It's like how Commissioner Gordon keeps showing up at crime scenes.

For me, it always felt like a good, solid thriller that should have been a lot better.

SOA refused to end storylines and just kept dragging them on and on. They painted themselves into such a tight narrative corner that severely limited end game possibilities.

I thought it was a good game. But when putting the whole thing together, ME2's story seems like it was pointless diversion and a complete waste of time. Well, except for everything that had to do with Mordin of course. That was awesome. But it really should go without saying.

Cerberus was a terrorist organization in the first game. They walked that back in the second, as having Shepard work for terrorists might not have been the best move. Then in the third game, they went back to being terrorists. It just goes to show you how much the second game really screws up the main plot of the

I was thinking more David Lo Pan vs Porkchop Express.

Thinking about it, I really wish that when Jax was going towards the semi, that light would start coming out of his eyes and mouth.

Vic Mackey takes down another scumbag.

Irony needs to be taken out back and have a round put into it's head Old Yeller style.

"Nothing is fucked? The Goddamn sleigh has crashed into the mountain!"

Can we get some crop dusters and dust hollywood studios with cocaine in hopes they start making more unique and better movies?

An Arn Anderson Plus is too much for even both the Flash and the Green Arrow to handle. Although, Double A would give Flash the sickest spinebuster the world has ever seen.

They already have Ted Grant on Arrow, plus Firestorm. They name checked Fire, Ralph Dibney and the Atom Smasher. Plus its obvious that Ray Palmer is going to become the Atom. They have introduced more than enough characters to build one hell of a super hero team. Plus, we know a crisis is coming in the future. So, it