
I always thought it was noteworthy that two cast members were named Devon (Gummersall and Odessa). Now, hearing this news, I don't even know what to think.

I watched Silence of the Lambs for the first time in quite a few years this past weekend. Seeing it through Hannibal/Mikkelsen tinted glasses really made Hopkins' Lecter quite laughable. I guess one could suppose that Lecter, having been caught and imprisoned, has resigned himself to the fact that he's been figured

Remember when students used to spend their time reading banned books instead of self-banning required reading?

During the scene in the hospital when Male Character 1 was telling Male Character 2 about how he woke up in that drug den and found zombies, I commented to my friend, "I would find this a lot more compelling if I didn't know what zombies were."

I mean… Isn't Paige Turco in Secret of the Ooze? I get it, Axl. I get it.

idgaf, I love this song.

And that dude really was an asshole.

Sounds about right.

Most of them were terrible. The only ones I liked were Packie, Jacob and I guess Kate for the women. She was kind of a ball buster, but whatever, she wasn't as terible as the other girlfriend options.

Jersey was terrible. And completey unrealistic in that there were literally NO places to eat. Jersey is the diner capital of the world, and if you were hurting, you had to find one of the two hidden hot dog carts.

Packie and Jacob were the best. Drunk Packie was always good for a laugh and I never knew wtf Jacob was talking about.

V's freemode is my favorite GTA game.

LA Noir felt so unnecessary.

Speaking of the voice acting, my favorite exclamation is still Roman's "FFFFECK YOU!!!!!" I use that one a lot in my everyday life.

Can't you turn off your phone? I thought there was a sleep mode or something.

I like the activities. I like the fact that if you go get some chicken with Little Jacob, it costs you $100 because you obviously bought a bunch of pot with him. I like that if you call Roman for a cab too many times in a row, he's like,
"fuck you, cousin, let's go see some titties instead!" But God do I hate

The Conjuring should for sure be on this list.

The Babadook is a strange case for me. I think I liked it. It definitely scared me. But it seemed to me that it was a movie about a woman who had been driven mad by her son's INCESSANT SCREAMING. That kid never shut up. I would have started to hallucinate demons and insects too.

That makes a lot of sense actually.

The scariest thing about The Cabin in the Woods was when that chick made out with that wolf head thing. Shit was disgusting.