
I agree, it seemed like a natural time for the memory to be effecting her. She's obviously effected by it in her every day, just by the way she lives and keeps everyone at arm's length, but she isn't having panic attacks about it daily. I'm more concerned with the cliche of it all than the timing of the reveal.

I think he's just a miserable fuck.

I read a blind item that was supposedly about this film. Basically it said that while shooting, Iñárritu and Hardy got into it one day in a tent or something, screaming at each other, etc. Hardy clocked him, knocked him out with one punch, left the tent and just walked away.

I mean, I can see him in the accompanying picture. Unless he was invisible to the naked eye, but appeared in pictures, it seems like he was visible. You do make a good point, though.

I'm finding hard to believe that it's possible to not meet expectations when considering a Corey Feldman appearance. Did anyone have high expectations for this? My only expectation would be that Feldman be there, and that requirement was met.

Depends on the guy.

SPOILERS - I know that, much like R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet saga, Kids was about a bunch of people giving each other AIDS, but aside from that I don't know what the hell happened in this movie. The actors barely spoke English, and what little they could speak, came out garbled and unintelligible.

The inclusion of this song (and customization radio stations) was one of the best parts of Saint's Row 3.

It's a shame that the mediocre writing, Vaughn, and Kitsch are all anyone can talk about because McAdams and Farrell deserve SO MUCH praise for their work in this, not just as a footnote to highlight the shortcomings.

You say that like it's a woman he's married to in the eyes of the lord and it's purely for the purposes of reproduction.

I guess it's a victory for the show that although I really have no interest in Frank's storylines (neither business nor personal) I still find his relationship with his wife quite endearing.

Do you know what that means?

Moment of silence for Warehouse 13.

Who doesn't know about Tiananmen Square? But I do see your point. Frank, though, is obviously a scholar since he often insults his employees with SAT words then asks them if they know what they mean.

The symbolism this season is about as subtle as blue balls of the heart. "Why won't my avocados grow? I'll figure it out later, I have to go to the fertility clinic."

For the record, I don't care. But I needed to swing by and say that this is probably going to be the best headline I'll see all week.

He has this weird cadence to everything he says. When he reads. His lines. He puts periods. Where there really. Shouldn't be any. And it isn't even in any sort of stylized way like Shatner, I think it's just a matter of not knowing how to deliver the lines. His comedic delivery is great, and I think he's

I really just hope that by the end of the season we find out what Bezzerides wanted to do with that crybaby cop that he thought was so out of the ordinary.

Track down the puppet.

I can't even deny it, I LOVED Don't Tell her Its Me back in the day. I'll blame my early 90's crush on Jami Gertz. For some reason it goes by "The Boyfriend School" now.