
I forgot about Hello Again until I just read your comment. I think I'm going to have to watch it again.

I'd probably have more respect for the writing if one of Velcoro's CIs was a log.

So are we expecting a time jump in the next episode? I mean, I am, but are the collective we?

He dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and dodged.

Is he even a real Baldwin?

Sad, sad news. I'm already looking forward to the tribute at the Oscars. RIP

I feel like it probably isn't that hard to piss off Ben Stiller.

That's not what you said, though. You said that you use "mental illness" as a catchall because current specific medical terminology was not scientifically sound. This goes back to your claim that we don't have language to go beyond using this catchall. I understand that you can only provide what information you

I never said this guy was mentally healthy and that wasn't the takeaway that was intended here. What I'm saying is, show me a specific diagnosis. "He killed people, therefore he must be mentally ill," is not and should not be good enough.

That's unacceptable. That's like saying if you witnessed a hit and run crime, and you knew the vehicle was a Dodge, but you couldn't be certain if it was a Challenger or a Charger, so you just told the cops it was a car. It's lazy and it's detrimental.

Sure, Jan.

There is language in existence to discuss specific forms of mental illness. When a person is diagnosed by a doctor, they aren't just called "mentally ill" they are properly diagnosed with a specific ailment/disorder.

Ok, but people who have cancer are medically not "the norm" either, do you go around calling cancer patients weirdos?

They are comparable in that they are all prominent news stories where the boys/young men in question were painted in a certain light. The fact that Trayvon Martin didn't kill anyone and was instead the one who was killed makes it even worse.

I think the main issue most people have is that people are quick to throw out a label of mental illness onto mass killers. Mental illness is a HUGELY broad spectrum and once the term is tossed out there, that's the end of the conversation. If a person who commits a heinous act such as this has a genuine illness or

No one thinks that modifying gun laws will automatically bring about the end of pain and suffering.

I'm uncomfortable with automatically labeling mass killers as mentally ill, regardless of what defunct racist societies they may identify with. I also am uncomfortable with equating mental illness to being "weird".

How does one pronounce Gugino?

Glad to see this movie and soundtrack getting some love. I dragged my little sister kicking and screaming with me to see it in theaters since I had a huge crush on Rachel Leigh Cook at the time, but wanted to look like I was doing my sis a favor. I loved it, she hated it, and I think she still hasn't forgiven me.

Impending doom agrees with Sam.