
Regardless of the type of men this dude thinks would appreciate this movie, can we all agree that there are probably only 17 women on the planet that would like it?

Mostly at knifepoint.

Funny you should mention her in the write-up, since I feel like you could call the "Holy shit, she's everywhere" award the "Margo Martindale (Holy shit, she's everywhere)" award.

I worked at Wal-Mart for 3 weeks, and at LEAST 50% of the training videos were why unions are a bad thing/how to spot a union rep/what to do if a union rep approaches you. Another video was specifically aimed at letting you know that you aren't allowed to trash talk the company, your job, or your working conditions.

I felt Red Dead Redemption was a pretty egregious example of where open-world can go wrong. There was just TOO MUCH space with nothing to do. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, but there was far too much open space (and not a large enough beaver hunting ground.)

I definitely think he's as trapped as anyone else is. Seems obvious now.

I mean, a case could be made that anyone offers eye candy for those who like that sort of thing.

The only thing I found even remotely redeeming about World War Z was when Brad Pitt strapped a bunch of magazines around his forearms as protective gear. I thought it was a good tactic and have adopted it into my own contingency plans for a number of different doomsday scenarios.

I only remember it was 1999 because in the first episode she mentioned she came to town to help prep them all for Y2K.

Did you watch the coda to the first season that they put online? I wouldn't be surprised if there were many returning characters from the first season.

Why did the sheriff lock himself in the cell while Ethan was in his office? Well, maybe he didn't lock himself in, but he entered, closed the cell and relaxed on the bed. Seemed odd to me. Also, the placement of the cell, as if it were just another part of his office that just happened to be set behind bars, was a

If the daughter was 6 in 1999, that would make her 23ish, assuming it really is 2014.

I like this theory a lot, and it makes sense in terms of Kate and Bev's timelines, and Ethan's if he's a fresh respawn. The contrast of Ethan's family in Seattle and everyone else in Wayward Pines felt a lot like the movie adaptation of Silent Hill to me, and it fits well with this scenario, exchanging different

The original song isn't terrible, but this mishmash of a remix is as bad as the video for it.

Best, most accurate description I've seen to date.

"plot" seems a to be a bit of an overstatement.

What's your beef with Reynolds?

There are already 4 of these things? I couldn't even make it all the way through the first one.

Cartoon Express!!!

I'm pretty sure Shirin will vote Mike even if he isn't one of the final contestants.