
Not my first concert, but saw them in a double bill with Blues Traveler in a warehouse in NYC. I think it was some kind of VH1 thing.

I gave up on Freak Show also and never looked back. Gaga is probably the ONLY thing that could have brought me back to AHS at this point, but god damn it, they did it.

This is the onionyest AVClub article I've ever seen.

I thought the subtle nuances of the second really gave it the edge over the first.

Be that guy, Holden. Be that guy and be proud.

I'm shocked this shit is still on the air.

I want to be Lincoln when I grow up.

What would you call the gold standard of YA entertainment?

I don't really think it's all that unusual to be casual about a common-knowledge abortion you had three decades ago.

My favorite part was when whoever typed this up misspelled Adam Horovitz's name in the same passage they were discussing people spelling Kathleen's name incorrectly.

If we're talking about rewarding artistry, Shia LaBeouf should have gone up there and demanded that Beck turn over his award to Sia. I'm not being cute or sarcastic. I believe this should have happened.

I guess Coach never got his cheeseburger apocalypse.

The two lessons that The Walking Dead has effectively delivered are a) basic human decency gets you killed and b) sisters out of sight are out of mind.

This isn't the first time Chris Pratt has visited a children's hospital, and he was the first one to suggest this as the wager, so I'm not sure where you think the coercion was.

Assassin's Creed Black Flag is one of my favorite games in existence. Without the fast travel option, I would have enjoyed the game far less, for certain. GTAV could have benefited from a couple strategically placed spawn locations.

Probably my favorite episode of this show ever.

Yeah, now that you mention it, this is really the only correct answer to this question.

Brain from Inspector Gadget would be pretty useful.

I hate this show.

Ilana is clearly a ninja of all things. Last season we learned she's a poop ninja, and last night between tracking Abbi and getting a weed delivery to a moving taxi, I'm convinced her ninja skills extend far beyond feces.