
Loosely TRACKED Futura, you philistine.

OK, I have to admit I hadn't heard about this development, and to be frank, I find it shocking. I hadn't ever expected to read news like this, and it shocks me to my core to learn this now. I now have to reconsider a lot of my prior assumptions and probably change my viewing habits as we move forward.

3.5 hours away is hardly "nigh."

Oh, I'm not representing that Jarhead is unrealistic at all; I just think the book tells Swofford's story in a more effective way than the film does. I would agree that Hurt Locker is a more engaging movie that happens to take a lot of liberties in some areas.

Shit barrels are burned in Jarhead as well. Great book; movie is just OK, IMHO.

And John Hawkes. Can't forget John Hawkes.

1. WTF: Sasha is supposed to be this bad-ass zombie slayer with her tricked-out AR and all, but a) she's apparently never seen what happens when a magazine runs empty; b) doesn't know how to quickly change said magazine; and c) can't count.

FLCL deserves a "runner-up."

Normally, I would have just upvoted that comment (which I did anyway), but I want to point out that this is a FANTASTIC description of what the "acting" in that movie is like.

In the society depicted, the tie between military service and citizenship is based on the idea that only those who will make decisions that benefit the group even when their own lives are in jeopardy can be trusted to do so as civilians. The overall theme of the book is self-sacrifice; that concept is just one more

Wow. If that's really, truly how you understood the book, your interpretation is seriously at odds with Heinlein's intent.

"He wrote that whole kind of political, right-wing idea in the book, which was, like, 'If you’re not willing to kill for your country, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.'"

I saw Battlefield Earth in a theater with my best friend, both of us high as the proverbial kite. We loved it.

"Worth noting: There’s an irony inherent in the casting in which half of the Revolutionaries are played by Brits."

I continue to hope — against all odds — that the day will come when someone equipped with a scintilla of respect for the original "Starship Troopers" will make a film version that's worth a shit.

And not a word about REO Speeddealer.

They're album titles, technically, but your comment stands up either way.

Sure, they're slowing down a little bit. If you dig back a bit, you'll find plenty of material on "Oh, Calcutta," "The Greatest Story Ever Told" and "Apathy and Exhaustion" that's more up your alley.

"In the name of all that is HEY WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I WASN'T DONE TALKING!!!"

"Forget the autopsy. He obviously died of a stroke."