
If you know the strigoi sleep during daylight hours, why go out on a mission of indeterminate length in the late afternoon instead of first thing in the morning?

I was fully expecting (hoping/praying) that Mariela would complain when Zack brought back menthols, forcing him to go back out.


GOD, that moment (at about 1:03) when Alley's crew drops the mortar shell, and for just a fraction of a second we cut to Dike in the foreground with the out-of-focus mortar firing in the background. What an utterly transcendent and deeply meaningful shot, and it's gone in the blink of an eye. "Incredible filmmaking"

… we'll be right back.

The Dixie Dregs are hardly "classic rock."

EDIT: The Quiet Riot album featuring "Cum On Feel The Noize" is "Metal Health," not "Mental Health."

Agreed, but you hear the sound effect used inappropriately a lot. My guess is that directors think audiences need an auditory cue to go with the shotgun.

Or racking the slide on a double-barrelled shotgun. How about when Mark Wahlberg is unnecessarily working the action on his semiautomatic Barrett M82 in the opening scenes of "Shooter"?

If not Ming-Na now …