Strong Enough

you know how many safety violations were on my site? OSHA would have had a field day. lol. so yeah i am not surprised by the lack of cameras. but yeah you're right about the show.

i worked on a construction site in New York and there were no cameras at all. People don't care and ignore it most of the time. its not out of the norm.

its a small cali town. i doubt they even have cable


yeah i hope Jax gets the ax along with gemma. matter of fact i hope all the soa members die a horrible death

come "build a egg detector" had me dying with laughter

all of you have AD high definition

of course they weren't

the e mail doesn't work anymore

you wouldnt last watching Rectify

finally he left!

boy you were wrong

Wow. way to overanalyze a silly show.

its supposed to make you feel uneasy. thats the whole point

oh shut up


oh wow another A. you fuckin hipsters



there's always one