strongajuma’s a diet. Like, literally, you are counting calories (points are substitutes for calories). That is a diet, a weight management diet to be specific.

I like weight watchers compared to most weight management programs, because it’s more evidence based and moderate than most.  But it’s still a diet.

Thank you! I wish thin celebrities would just admit that they have the bodies they have through some combination of personal chef, nutritionist, eating disorder, money, time, personal trainer, make up artists, organic groceries, and substance abuse habit.

The problem with marketing it like this as if you take away the diet advice and plans, you could get ANY of that wellness crap for free online at any number of places. Mindfulness practice? Surely there are apps for that. Nutrition information? Definitely apps that have basically everything. By selling WW as some

It might be called WW like KFC is now called....KFC, but it will always be Weight Watchers to me. And if you’re Kate Hudson, with your leggings and sports bra subscription company, and your beautiful Hollywood genes, and your pretty much constant ectomorphism (pregnancy doesn’t count ) I just am not going to take you

Oh, I’m sure Kate Hudson shares my plight, because I too have access to Hollywood personal trainers, chefs, avocados, and expensive leggings. *yawn*

I click on things like this hoping for more insightful content then just “this is terrible and we should stop looking at it” and I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson yet...

When I got my concussion, I had to get an MRI so the clinic sent me to the one place that they had an agreement with (which happened to be a top-notch facility in this area) and told me how to deal with billing. I think it was $200 out of pocket. I’ve gotten no less than 4 MRIs in the last year and they were all

I’m a huge fan of Urgent Care and clinics—they have decent nurses/doctors and are good about sliding scales. When I gave myself a concussion and didn’t have insurance, I used both and while it wasn’t top-notch (I swear the doc I saw was Googling “concussion symptoms” when he left the room), it gave me piece of mind

And in The Canyons everyone was of the mindset that it was her 'return' yet she continued to prove everyone wrong.  Not to mention being unprofessional on set? Like why do we wish her many second chances? She belongs now on reality TV. Which by the way is no guarantee to a hit show.

Yeah, she was the boring one in ‘Mean Girls’. And it’s interesting to see how the rest of her peers in that film (all of whom were relatively unknown at the time) have blown past her in terms of success — Rachel McAdams, Amanda Seyfried, Lizzie Caplan.

Celebrities are not the only people going through hardships. But people excuse their shitty behaviors because “they had a rough childhood.” Guess what, a lot of people did too, without becoming a shitty rape-apologist.

no one can become a citizen of dubai except for emiraties. 

Or maybe she’s both a victim of abuse, and an asshole.

No shade to Sophia Grace for growing up & walking her own path...but

“After their visit, Hindu priests closed the temple for an hour to “purify” the temple”

Birthing space babies seems tricky:

So asshole atheists get a free pass?

James Monroe Iglehart is currently playing Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson in “Hamilton” on Broadway. He’s incredibly talented! 

Emma Watson tried this same defense too when Beauty and the Beast came out. “But this version is totally not shitty to women because this time Belle stands up to the Beast!”

This is a Sister Act I’d like to meet on the 24-Hour Turn Around bus to Vegas! Literally the best nuns ever. I bet a dollar they are also girlfriends.