
For animals it helps hide a birth from predators and gives nutrients because they won’t be able to leave right away to eat. We have no need of either of these. If it has any benefits it’s nothing a nutritious meal couldn’t tackle. 

I didn’t imply she wasn’t smart...that’s what you inferred. Unlike you I don’t think it’s funny to mock a person whose first langauge is English... projecting much?

This. So much this. I guarantee all these “high-achievers” also have “high-incomes” that allow them the luxury of being able to choose what they want to do in the morning.

100% can vouch for this, albeit in a slightly different way. The area where I was hit got the tropical storm. We were without power for days, so many trees came down; it was hard to leave for a while. My mother, who abused me for years, saw the coverage and sent me a hassling letter. I have no contact with her, but

I prefer Wentworth. Orange got really cartoonish to me. Wentworth keeps its edge. 

From what I heard from other extras I think they’re still filming there for prison bits.

It is.  Much darker though

They’re still filming the last season at the moment. For anyone interested in the NYC area they put out notices for background acting work pretty regularly.

“He would even unclip my nursing bra for me and say, ‘Thank you, mommy,’ afterward.”

I got to be a zombie in one of the George Romero movies. It was pretty boring, but at least I got full makeup and not a mask. Romero was a really nice guy, very patient with all of us amateurs. He bought pizza and beer after the shoot, even hung around a bit to talk in spite of it being a 14 hour day.

Get back to me when Matell uses their money to fund STEM learning or something. According to their website, they’re not doing much other than using feminism to sell more dolls.

The problem with the Deuce is Franco. His storyline and plot are boring. His acting is terrible and there is absolutely no reason for him to play two roles - can’t tell them apart and there’s no reason except his inflated ego. He’s not a good enough actor to pull it off. In fact, all the men in the show are boring.

The obvious answer is to poison everyone with bad shellfish and crown Kirsten Dunst Miss America now and forever.  Done. The end.

I thought it was because people can easily see real porn now.

“Scholarship Pageant” aside (win college money for being attractive!), maybe no one really wants to spend a couple of hours watching women in their early 20s tricked out and made up to look like 30-ish Evangelical housewives anymore. 

Was anyone else for the changes in the pageant system specifically because it heralded the beginning of the end of it?

Can we have a movie about HER instead??

He does know only poor people have to look like that right

I just, i just need to know they bathe. That lip rug he’s trying to develop just can not smell good.