Director Zack Snyder left the set of Justice League to spend time with his family after the death of his daughter,…
Director Zack Snyder left the set of Justice League to spend time with his family after the death of his daughter,…
Well it’s no Bojack Horseman but it’s pretty good I guess...
Your choice not to murder your neighbors and burn their house down does nothing to stop other people from murdering their neighbors and burning their houses down, please stop thinking you’re special. People who don’t murder their neighbors and burn their houses down are useless.
Wait, Avengers ripped off Hunger Games?
Yes vegans are annoying, but even more than that they are utterly pointless. Their individual choice to not eat meat makes absolutely no difference and will change nothing. So please stop thinking your dietary choices make you special and will change the world. Because as this article shows, vegans are useless.
I’m gonna go ahead and guess that all the women they filled those positions with are Republicans, so they may as well have filled them with white men as they are equally toxic.
Or they could do women a real favor and shut the whole thing down because, you know, its a stupid fucking contest to reward the prettiest person and make “less pretty” people feel worthless.
Um, it’s more than a little judgemental, I fully recognise that. I wish I felt differently but I just don’t. There are always Reasons but you don’t think it’s funny that those reasons always end with women taking their husbands’ names? Lots of men hate their fathers, but seemingly not enough to result in enough men…
The article completely skipped the peer pressure and ridicule a man would face for taking his wife’s name.
It is such a rare phenomenon that the paper refers to it as a “micropractice.”
>Looking at you, NIMBYs
I would like to agree however we live in a country that doesn’t have universal healthcare. It can be incredibly expensive to do so even with insurance. I’m not defending this monster but your statement as a generalization.. oooof
I’m sorry, but anyone who makes more than solidly-middle-class me, while paying less taxes, is by default a bad guy.
Nah, Harvey openly celebrated his monstrousness at many open events Georgina attended. Georgina is an extremely ambitious person and she made a deal with the devil, so to speak. I don’t feel sorry for her.
You want to figure out how the fetus died? It was 20 weeks and not at a hospital. No fetus is surviving that, even if it was “alive” when it was delivered.
I respect your opinion, but I don’t agree. She bought a ticket on the train. I took her to task when the scandal broke - the women who came out initially were the ones to say they refused his advances and were assaulted/harassed/blackballed - they declined or danced their way through the quid pro quo…
It is sort of hard to care about what Georgina Chapman has to say about this, because it is hard to imagine she was with Weinstein for any noble purposes in the first place. Her marriage was a business arrangement; he had access to stars, and she had clothing for them to be seen in. She stuck with him right up until…
I think some people (like me) are annoyed because completing even 15 burpees quickly is not an easy feat, even for those of us who are fairly fit. The exercise was designed to maximally utilize your muscles, making it an effective and excruciating full-body workout. For somebody to slide into a world record on a…
But seriously, that’s not a burpee.
Roseanne suffers from mental illness. She has admitted this. She used to be a proponent of women’s rights and the rights of the people. Now she backs Trump.