
Why is she a thing?

However, it is my understanding that in the history of the United States, long before Roe was foisted upon this country; no woman has ever been prosecuted for undergoing abortion,” he continued. “That is for practical reasons, as well as for reasons of compassion.”

I agree! Why aren’t these “abortion is murder” demanding that manslaughter charges be brought against those fertility clinics that accidentally destroyed embryos, if a cluster of cells is so damn sacred?

Vote all boomers out.

I know Kanye is on a ‘90s kick but the Dennis Rodman/Sisqo look isn’t doing him any favors.

OMG the grandstanding you must witness.

Has there been any follow-up on the babies born after this “reversal”? Alcohol, cigarettes and the Pill can harm a fetus — it seems that something as strong as mifepristone could result in some serious health effects.

False. Aside from showing up for Bill de Blasio 4 years ago and maybe 1-2 times during his non-existent re-election...what has she done locally? I’m hyper tuned into local politics and she is not someone who makes the rounds. Has she ever even spoken in front of the City Council on any topic of note? I certainly can’t

Sadly, that number isn’t high enough to shake evangelical support.

Paid parental leave, affordable childcare, universal health care, and quality public education would also help tremendously I would think.

If the pro-life movement focused on sex ed and access to birth control, the number of abortion procedures would drop.

Her campaign is an embarrassment. Not as embarrassing as this piece, but hey.

Would Oprah send her kids to public school?

The prices will almost certainly come back down again. WA adopted a different model to legalizing recreational weed and I paid $35 for a gram when the first stores opened, but now it’s down to, like, $8 for pretty decent weed.

As a fan of gangsta rap/hip hop, mumble rap is the worst type of music ever.

Reaching out to diaper companies to ask why diapers are so expensive? As always, the right question is why are businesses allowed to employ individuals at a less than living wage? Every time I hear Republicans bitching about how unfair it is that they have to support the poor, I want to scream that they actively

I’m pregnant and terrified of not being able to provide for my child. Between child care cost, no paid maternity/paternity leave, diapers, the mortgage, utilities, it is going to be a challenge. We make too much for public assistance, but will barely be getting by. America is fucked.

so from $2.90/hr + tips to $107K ... helps to be an ass-kissing conservative white person in America. Ya know there’s another Hupp in DC with Pruitt ... and its her sister. Go figure ...

“millions of middle class Americans

LOL at the idea that there are millions of “middle class” people left in this country.

And if there are, there won’t be for much longer.