
Literally everything he’s proposing can be linked to something the Republican partied defunded or destroyed, including legislation just a few weeks ago!

Yeah, it’s just furthering the stigma around mental health by acting like anyone with mental illness is a mass shooting waiting to happen. Just lock them all up! That’s just chilling.

Of course it’s from Evangelicals. Nobody else would be stupid enough to think of such a thing.

I listen to Christian talk radio a lot (because one show I really like and the rest I listen to so I can figure out how scared I can be). The idea of declaring porn as a national health crisis is from evangelicals. If it gets a certain declaration, then they can seek federal funding to research and prevent it. But

the munchies do :)

She really is ridiculously pretty isn’t she? But in the photos and videos I’ve seen she acts the same with Chadwick Boseman, so I think it’s just how her personality is. Some people are just more outwardly affectionate and tactile, it can be misinterpreted as flirtation...or she’s actually flirting, I don’t know.

I remember that too!!! It is funny the things you remember under pressure. I guess I just feel like shows/entertainment that aren’t positioned or marketed as educational or real don’t really have a responsibility to present accurate information. Isn’t some of the point that they’re inaccurate and escapist? And people

If he was “exposed” on the seance one, he did it in the first five minutes of the program when he states he doesn’t believe in that sort of thing but he’s going to use existing techniques to fool the participants.

I think it’s important to air things like this to disabuse Americans of the assumption that anyone with an English accent is automatically smarter than they are.

Like many Derren Brown “psychological tricks,” I’m guessing it’s either fake as shit or he’s going to claim after he’s exposed that he was just trying to make a point about how gullible the audience is.

You know, I’m actually kind of happy that Black Panther was made now, as opposed to earlier in the 90s, or even before in the Marvel cinematic timeline.

What’s with the snark on Emma? She’s rich and famous because of a role she got when she was, like, 11 years old and she’s been doing pretty admirable stuff with her money and fame. Everyone that works in her industry isn’t rich and famous, so she’s advocating for normies, too.

it is people like katherine hielgel who make other moms feel pressured to lose the baby weight quickly, a scary new trend really. Health and fitness is important, but damn this just seems like another instance of society’s pressure for women to appear perfect.

I cannot STAND it when Boomers are called selfish, narcissistic, and so on. I am a Boomer, my friends are Boomers, my family are Boomers, and we are NOTHING like that. Saying that is as wrong as saying all millennials are entitled and lazy. I teach them and know that some are but many aren’t.

Or, counterpoint, maybe she was coerced into saying that, and once it’s on tape/in court records, it’s forever.

If you are ever questioned by the police, get a lawyer immediately. Do not “help” the police, do not try to “clear things up,” do not “tell your side.” Get a lawyer.

So, my husband and I kayak, and I really do think she was steamrolled. Honestly, neither of them had any business being out in a couple of playboats on the Hudson at night after having downed multiple beers. He should have been wearing a wetsuit and a PFD, and he was wearing neither. The kayaks they had were for

I’m convinced that the prosecution used her emotional state and the fact that English isn’t her first language to railroad the woman.