
Question: How much does Bezos pay you to suck his dick for him?

Looks like we found the Amazon manager.

High pay??? You can’t be serious.

I guess you missed the part where employees were timed when they went to the bathroom.

Did you read the linked article?

Soon we will have the company store back, and will get paid in credits, not money. We already have some companies trying to do company owned housing. Seriously we need to improve history education.

The breaks are not that long and the pay is not that high.

This entire show is a mess and it certainly doesn’t help that DJ Akademiks is one of the most unlikeable people ever. It pains me to know he’s Jamaican.

I’m young and I don’t fucking get it.

Maybe about 15 years ago, the Medieval Times near me was holding auditions.

Since I was a classically trained actor specializing is stage combat (theatrical fighting) and had a lot of equestrian training, I really wanted to audition to be a knight. I had years of weapons training (various weapons including swords from

Medieval Times doesn’t allow women to become knights. A friend of mine who can ride, fight, and ride and fight can’t apply because they do not accept women.

This is lip service only.

Carolla went to community college for a minute and he is against the 4 year Bachelor degree institutions, Tim Allen actually did get a BS in communication from Western Michigan University, and Prager was educated at elite institutions in those history and humanities programs he rails against because everyone should be

My favorite part was the mini museum of torture implements.

Also didn’t they spy on women changing their clothes?

People who are awesome and enjoy things that are good, obviously.

Team Guy.

I’m usually on Team Stripper, but I’m sorry. You punched someone with a glass in their mouth and knocked a tooth out.

Wow, that’s classic assault. She deserves jail time and he deserves a boatload of money.


Pocari Sweat is soooooo delicious though.