
I’ve been in recovery, sober, for over eight years, and the Jeebus freaks are a vocal minority in 12 step programs. The evangelicals use A.A., NA, etc as a hunting ground for new recruits. The newly sober are confused, in pain, often in difficult financial/professional/family circumstances, and are thus easy prey.

Had that problem too as a kid. In a very Catholic family and who went to a Catholic grade school that did not want to field questions from a smart aleck 2nd grader about how god really sounded like an asshole.

Yay, someone else knows this!!! But you have to admit, Richard was the superior singer to Esquerita. It is a shame that a man who inspired countless others to be themselves, was actually being someone else ( in fact, he has sort of admitted this) and that he seems to be morphing into a far more ordinary, conservative

Between GOP gerrymandering and the boundless big $ in politics (Mercer’s, Kochs) that goes to support right wing causes, whose government is it? Do we have any more than a theoretical influence in who gets elected? No wonder why assholes like this have jobs! It’s because ultra rich have bought the government. The US

See, that’s why I come around here. I learn shit. :)

Now playing

But he wasn’t uniquely Little Richard. He stole his entire persona from a lesser known, openly gay, performer - who Little Richard ran in the same circles with (and my have briefly been romantically involved with) - named Esquerita.

Hey Pro-Lifers, remember this will lead to MORE abortions.

OMG On the Line I forgot that movie ever existed!

That is what I’m thinking after all of the articles I have read over the past year or so. The Asian-Americans feel like they are being discriminated against because they aren’t always getting accepted into Ivy League schools with high test scores and gpa’s. It seems like they would be perfectly content with only

I highly doubt he has EVER under ANY circumstances been America’s richest man. But in 1999? No fucking way he was even close. Especially not seeing as how Bill Gates had Microsoft money by 1999.

Confusing charts are confusing. The subtitle of that Mother Jones chart says that the majority (that’s more than half btw) of mass shooters possessed assault weapons and/or high-capacity magz.

He’s 5’3” and his money comes from his father who defrauded people out of their hard earned money in a scam and went to jail for it. There, fixed that for you. You should find him adequately repugnant.

That’s all I could think looking at those pics. Unless they’re paid escorts, HOW do you get to the point where you’re just a prop some douche uses and discards? Are they just starfuckers and they see this turd as ‘famous’ in some alternate timeline?? It’s sad that they don’t have enough self respect to not want that

Me too. I feel sorry for them, that whatever paths they took (or were forced down) in life led them to such humiliating shit as being a table for a tiny-pricked douchebag.

That photo just makes me want to call all their parents to pick them up and ground them.

I hate myself sometimes for finding him so damn sexy.

The women in these pictures make me sad.

Yuck! What’s wrong with you?! He’s a disgustingly UGLY little bitch! How ANYONE can find this ugly, dumb fuck sexy is mind boggling! You DEFINITELY need to get out more...

You don’t understand the logic

I have no idea! When I bleached my hair out random men would stop me in the grocery store and tell me how beautiful I was and how lovely my hair was. It was ratty as Hell from all the treatments lol. It wasn’t really even nice blonde hair.