
Type orange with bad hair 

Real Sex was funny and interesting in my teen years, then Hookers on the Point came on, and things got REAL. HBO taught me sex postives stuff and sex negatives. Mostly about sex workers, levels of poverty that make women go into this as well as the well off women who did not for a short while then stop. 

If they remove The Office that’s it for me

That’s because it is deliberate. Netflix makes it difficult to find, well specifically movies, because they want you to watch THEIR CONTENT, THEIR MOVIES. They want you to browse their entire library in the most convoluted method possible so that you give up hope and watch one of their many crap tv or movies. 

Drinking piss from the rich 

Yes when TLC was called The Learning Channel and you learned things 

Also maybe just legalize internet porn?

For those who don't know "Porn" is illegal in Korea. Everything from pornhub etc is blocked in the internet yet prostitution is wide spread, and there is late night censored porn. Yea Korea has a outdated, and strange idea of what sex should be. Just legalize porn korea. 

I think it is really common for artist to draw or depict themselves as they wish they looked like. The YouTube animator "Domic" did an episode where he said he knew he gained weight and got older over the years but still drew himself the way he wished he looked like. He didn't even realise it until a fan told him but

I fee! like we all know a Mother that freezes salad to give to their sons or daughters

He yells for 20 minutes, red in the face, about conspiracy theories then spends 12 minutes chugging gross protein shakes and hawking survival gear.

SAME!! I actually genuinely enjoyed watching Cat House as a 13 year old girl EXCEPT Dennis Hof. (There were also some questionable aspects but you know 90s) Appeared it felt like I was watching the physical embodiment of chauvinism. He even looks like a penis.  He makes my skin crawl

White men, really. The only people I see drink is that crap is white men. My friend’s dad, a middle age white man poured it into a wine glass and made it look less, I don’t know white, I guess.

I hated it too!! But I heard the novel has much more emotion and didn’t make you feel creepy about the age difference, and aloof as the film did. The movie felt so pretentious though. It is literally about Weathly white family and their son vacationing in Italy while their son wrestles with his gay feeling and uses

I remember clearly her product of body sprays and lip gloss you can eat. Because I was that totally strange teenager licking her body sprays and eating a while stick of lip gloss at the mall. Thank you Jessica Simpson for making my aught years disgusting

My career is further MURDERED!!!!

The package I think recommends you boil it for it bit. It’s not the best low carb/low calorie taste but it is healthy option for lazy dieters lol. I usually need to cover it up with something. The best recipe I found was to stir fry it with marinated beef or pork and then sometimes add some sauce such as Spaghetti

A little off topic but I’m learning to figure skate at 30 and just want to shout out that it’s hard but really fun. I also get side eyed by the really good 7-18 year old skaters but you know what screw them!! Try learning ANY thing as an adult is really hard give is credit 

I love John Hamm but recently read a story about him giving someone brain damage during his frat bro says and how he never gave an apology. He basically brushed it off. He got expelled but the guy never fully recovered.

She was also sexually abused at an very early age, phsyically abused, forced into prostitution, assaulted by men many times over. Not excusing her behavior or her crimes because fuck murderers but that woman stood no chance of a normal life. Even if she was alive today she’d be so broken she wouldn’t know how to vote.