
Dukin Donuts does the same thing. I mean donuts, bagel, muffins, muchkins. My mom used to go one specifically cause they would sell her the ones that were soon to throw out for cheap. Unfortunately I think they did that secretly because I am sure Dunkin Donuts does not condone it.

Its NYC I don’t think coachella is going to make a difference. NYC like Coachella is full of pretentious, rich, white people dressed like hipster, taking designer drugs like molly dancing around like bafoons. You ain’t all that different new York city

I saw Amy Schumer standup live way before Trainwreck and before her show got really famous. She is horrible! She talked about how much sex she likes, and how fat she is. Then took an audience member’s crutches, made fun of her, then gave it back to her at the end of the show. Also she made fun of this guy with a

What a scumbag that Dennis Hof is.....

Oh kendo so fun but so expensive. I miss hitting people with sticks

I constantly pick at my lips and I am none stop addicted to chap stick because of this. I think it is due to stress and habit that I keep picking at my lips. I heard it is due to OCD as well. I think it is like people who pull their hair or something. it is bad.

No the tragedy is when every country copied Tyra Banks, I couldn’t even make it through Korea’s Next top Model without cringing and wanting to drink all the soju.

That’s what I thought too. This whole piece reeks privilege of “I am a white lady, and I make good living so my way people, and everyone else who hates me is not feminest” Hun you can’t blame feminism for this shit when you know if a waitress brought in a baby for work she would be fired or if anyone if a Hispanic

Psshhh I am 4’11. I STILL climb on counters and even then stuff is still out of my reach. As the person who does the majority of the cooking and can’t get the spices when I need them I hate it so very much. Also when you have a full time job and your body hates you the last thing on your mind is climbing and jumping

I work with judges and lawyers in my line of work and I can tell you some people SHOULD NOT have gone to law school or passed the bar. I do not know what happens but as soon as some people get their bar and become a judge they lose all connection with regular people. Not everyone is like this but I had to quit and

I forced myself once to run when I ate a big breakfast, I think I almost puked. It feels like you swallowed 15 pound bell.

I have this problem!! I run with a group that slowly trains to a 5K for some reason I am incredibly gassy when we get together on Saturday mornings. I think my SO has this problem too. I call it “Tooting and running”. It is incredibly awkward when it just comes out, and you are running with people, and then it

LOL well I sound stupid on purpose cock. This guy doesn’t understand trolling.

What are you so butt hurt because it was MY review of it and MY opinion.

It taste so good, you want some chum? I got buckets full of it.

And if you are Milla Jovavich, you marry the director and become the lead character every single time even though your a made up character in a video game franchise that was ruined because of you.

You know that scene in “Requim for a Dream” where Jennifer Connely gets so desperate for her heroin fix she decides to join in on a sex show with another women while there is a crowd of rich white executives cheering on with cash. Then this creep says “Ass to Ass”

Weirdly enough I have the same line of thinking that Nicki has. I always thought my mom married my step father for money and stability but after he died and hearing that he basically wrote a will without her and left most of his estate under my brother’s name and my step father’s brother name, and finding out how his

“Crying helps me slow down and obsess about life’s problem”- Sadness

Just sprinkle on some terminal illness and white tears everywhere.