That is definitly a different, look-alike UPS man. The original guy was older looking back then...
That is definitly a different, look-alike UPS man. The original guy was older looking back then...
Uhhhh these guys are well-known racists at this point, yes? I thought the Blackamoor stuff was more than enough to establish this as fact.
yeah I thought that was realllllll weird to have been included. A US Attorney General should be calling him Daniel Hernandez.
This was an interesting read. However I need to point out a few things: flamenco didn´t originate in gypsy communities, it predates the arrival of the Roma community to Spain in the 15th century, if you do some research you´ll find out the immense arabic and sephardic jewish influence in the origin of flamenco,…
My bad feelings about Avanetti originated with that wrongful death lawsuit against Jim Carrey - I’m very sympathetic about the shock and horror his off and on ex’s family felt- I don’t really see how Carrey was legally or morally culpable for the woman’s death. I feel like it was a very sad situation all around that…
Enjoy the largesse of our prison system for the rest of your miserable life, asshole. ‘Cause we treat prisoners sooooo well.
Alas, the Lesser North American Aggrieved White Male thinks everything is his.
“My country” he says. Hmm. May every Native American ghost that was slaughtered by white people haunt this piece of shit for the rest of his miserable days.
Seriously. The author’s OPINION is that the second season was not good (never mind that she admitted to not watching about half of it). Since when was disagreeing with someone’s opinion about the quality of entertainment gaslighting?
If you’re calling this gaslighting, I wonder if you actually know what gaslighting is?
Yes she is. Love her.
I seriously do not get how the President of HBO was gaslighting. He seemed to say that even when people did not like the show they were talking about it, and that keeps it in the minds of viewers and even potential viewers.
Haters gonna hate. This season was great, and Thandie Newton is everything.
I worked at Chrysler from 2011-2014 and everyone I talked to who was working there prior to bankruptcy talked about how much better the work environment, handling of programs, and overall quality of employment was after Fiat took control. He did more good for that company than most people will ever realize.
As soon as I saw the Texas Monthly link, I said to myself, “Ooh, I hope it’s Skip Hollandsworth,” and then squealed a bit at the confirmation. Check out his archive on the site, especially if you’re into cold-case true crime. He is a truly remarkable writer and has a burgeoning fan club (not just me!).
-old man circa 2000, 1990, 1980 or 1970
That sounds like a great way to sum up six months of a year. “Some movies came out, here are two of them!”
Lee’s death also just seemed totally out of character for him. I guess they were trying to show growth or something, but it was just like, “What?” for so many reasons.