
Bass? Dropped.

Umm, no.... I would never take a deposit on a vehicle that I wasn’t sure I could get. Whats the point? It just wastes time and leads to unhappy customers. There is litterally no reason for it. I would much rather just take down the potential customers info and let them know if/when we got allocation.

Miata Is Always The Answer

I mean, it was the engineers driving it, so they kinda did build it themselves.

If Robert Duvall was voicing a version of Harry Hogge and was Lightning’s new crew chief, I’d go see this flick in a heart beat.

I would just like to point out some things:

Seriously, everybody here is trying too hard to feel above the fray. The new ‘Bu is pretty stylish by today’s standards, and good design has never been exclusive to luxury cars.

Now playing

I would rock a Gundam Toyota and have the 0079 theme song coming out of a PA.


You liberals will blame literally anything you possibly can on Trump, huh?

And I thought people paying $99/week for a 15 year old Buick Lesabre were nuts.

Jokes on them; I’m going to wait for those shoes to come off lease in 1-2 years and buy them cheap.

Hi. I’m here to tell my Mercury Tracer story. It is not a happy one.

Dodgey McDodgeface should be a special edition of the demon.

“Why is it always the people with shitty cars that try and show out? No one gives a fuck about your 10-year-old V6 charger, I promise.”

You will be tapping a lot of things with that amount of lube.

I propose we take this one step further. I’m sure you could convince 50 suckers on here to get “4RAPH” as a plate.

Normally, I feel the same... But...

I like this one:

No, some are funny