
If that staff at Florida had actually gone to the cops with what AH (allegedly) was doing, he could have been sentenced to ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY YEARS IN PRISON before he ever had a chance to go pro.


Tony Romo sitting on the bench n full uniform is something he’s grown accustomed to.

Honestly, I don’t understand the uproar. 7 people were killed by US missiles yesterday. We even gave their allies warning before launching them.

You can dislike a person, that’s your prerogative. But attacking someone who made some pretty insensitive comments with even more racism and insensitivity doesn’t do much to help the narrative.

Wrestlemania 33 is just a warm-up for Gronk.

They store it in a warehouse, rotting for the next 50 years, in anticipation of David Tracy’s grandson to buy them.

There’s really nothing terrible about the outgoing Equinox.

This entire post belies a fundamental misunderstanding of the US/Russia relationship and Trump’s statements and positions. It’s premised upon the idea that Russia tried to help trump win the election (vs. weaken hillary, which is not the same thing), that Trump being elected was going to be good for Russia compared to


Not all coaches are able to leave their team at the beginning of a season in a lurch, amid scandal, while handcuffing the administration in to hiring their choice of successor. Then again, Barry Alvarez is only bad enough to work at one school. Go Green, beat Wisconsin 4 times to win a National Championship, talk

It was funny because of the climate. The fact that it got this reaction, something so fucking simple its said weekly in sitcoms, is what makes it funny. It shows how fucking up tight and fucking brain dead the social police have become.

Side bar, have you ever fucking listened to a female comedian? Show me one that

That’s pretty cool. Look’s like that old cell-shaded PS2 game, Auto Modellista by Capcom. I’d like to see a sequel/remake of that game on modern hardware!

I wonder how many drones he crashed filming this video.

I think it looks like a puma.

Looks like some sort of big cat.

So it would look like turn one in just about every Forza Motorsport online race?

I was at the Stars-Islanders game last week, and started reading his Wikipedia page (not too many Ho-Sang’s or 66's in the NHL, so he stuck out).

Regarding talent and the use of Detroit workers, you can’t commit to guaranteeing a certain number of Detroit jobs if there isn’t enough talent to fill them! Be realistic people. You can’t hire unqualified workers to build a multi-million dollar arena.

“That Hulk Hogan, a real American! He fights for your rights, fights for your lives!”