
This kinda feels like they set AOC up for failure. They should have had an establishment Democrat endorse Bernie and had AOC give a real speech.

I should probably know this but what terrorist did trump take out?

I can’t even see a red hat anymore without immediately judging the person. Red hats are ruined forever.

All of those and voter suppression and election tampering. 

“The only thing she loves or values in this world is power. Anyone she attaches to in her life is simply a pawn to feed her addiction to it.”

Hey real question, why are there so many trump ads on this site?

He’s also not familiar with the concept of hyperbole. 

They’re making a movie based on an episode of Darkwing Duck?

Accidentally listed to it? Nah, you don’t accidentally listen to a song like this. The dude is either lying about hearing it at all or he sought it out just to talk shit. Either way, fuck that guy.

I watched the video and did not see anything that amounted to pornography or partial nudity.

That cover is very porno. Which, yeah, lets do that.

Please read Ed Yong’s piece on how the U.S. “squandered every possible opportunity to control the coronavirus.” America! We’re #1! [The Atlantic]

I will just note the great contributions he’s made to our society.”

I’ve heard that in the south they call the civil war the “war of northern aggression”

Of course he would be asymptomatic. 

cuz she gave money to trump

I’m Mexican and I never thought Trader Jose was offensive. But that’s just me...

We haven’t yet

This. People need to stop being entitled babies that need to be given a reason to vote. If trump being president for another 4 years isn’t reason enough I don’t know what’ll do it.

So they’re going to pin all the corruption on parscale?