
President @realDonaldTrump: “We’ve just concluded a historic operation leading to the arrest and indictment of dozens of savage MS-13 members and leaders all across the country.”

I actually heard Latinx used more than once in Mexico last September. On the radio. It was weird but I guess some like Latinx. I’m Mexican and I don’t really care for it but not enough to make a stink about it.

I thought you were gonna thank him for succeeding for so long while being ultra mediocre. 

Either bill barr released that story or someone associated with him did. 

Yeah but this new one had some good songs.

Also why are people shopping at Wayfair? That shit is cheap and almost never worth the price. I’ve learned my lesson.

Change the logo so a sun burned white guy.

Was kinda hoping for a drastic redesign like they did with the other spider-man.

They basically took what Windows phone did and combined it with Android. Supe’s innovative. I’m an iphone user, I really liked the Windows phone so I’m cool with this.

Good luck finding disinfectant...

I had to look up who she was yesterday when I read the announcement and the one thing I’ve been hoping for in a female superhero finally hit. She has muscles. She’s not jacked like they make the male heroes get but she’s not rail thin like Ruby Rose or Gal Gadot or Brie Larson. Finally a female hero that looks like

What happens tomorrow?

That guy has shown up on my feed a few times recently and I honestly thought it was someone doing a bit. I mean, how could any of the shit he says be real?

Have you seen her answering questions? Cuz she is very much a moron. Evil moron but a moron nonetheless.  

Hot take

Exactly, he chose not to even enter the building because why would he waste his time? Holding a bible awkwardly was enough for him. And it worked. Religious idiots pointed at that as proof trump’s religious.

Their whole mentality is “I don’t see racism so it doesn’t exist” or “racism never affected me so it’s not a problem.” I’ve had too many conversations where I’m repeating “just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

Trump is the closest president we’ve had in years to allowing God to still be part of the conversation.

I saw a video of him talking to the press. He took his mask off and his lips were bluish and he was swaying. He looked like shit and sounded short on breath. He said he was fine but he sure didn’t sound fine.

Not to mention their ratings have been up recently.