
Can someone remind these people that Bernie Sanders had a fucking heart attack? 

I was on tinder for like 5 minutes, I came across four profiles in a row that said “looking for my partner in crime” I will never understand that line.

I love that Trump volunteered Pence’s calls. I bet he’s been involving Pence just so he could hide behind him the moment shit started going down.

I sure hope so. 

Mine will be when he gets sentenced.

I keep reading that the reason this is sticking is because it’s the easiest to explain to the public. Basically people are too stupid to read and understand the Mueller report. (myself included)

It would be great if they make that agreement and then Pence never pardons Trump.

Honest question, how have these guys not been arrested?

I didn’t celebrate it. I knew someone worse would take his place.

Vary staybl geneus.

Yeah I’m having trouble following his train of thought here. He used the word “liddle’” with an apostrophe (hyphen? fucking idiot). As far as I can tell “liddle” with or without an apostrophe is not a word. Is he trying to say “wittle”? Like a kiddie version of little so as to be demeaning? Why am I even trying to

He’s already backed out of that.

You don’t get it, maaaaaan. Trump is playing 5-D chess, maaaaaan. He’s doing it all on purpose to own the libs, maaaaaan. 

Will anyone ask him what he meant by that?

The Democrats are so focused on hurting the Republican Party and the President that they are unable to get anything done because of it, including legislation on gun safety, lowering of prescription drug prices, infrastructure, etc. So bad for our Country!

This cannot be said enough.

Andrew Yang hasn’t scored in his life.

I can vouch for this.


What did he do? I’m at work and can’t watch.