But his story doesn’t say he was trying to draw the attention to himself just that we was trying to deter the shooter. Whether it was self-preservation or not isn’t the point he disrupted the shooter. He did what he was trying to do.
But his story doesn’t say he was trying to draw the attention to himself just that we was trying to deter the shooter. Whether it was self-preservation or not isn’t the point he disrupted the shooter. He did what he was trying to do.
Can’t wait until her show “Datin’ Palin” shows up on CMT or some other garbage channel.
Because these people love punching down.
That’s true, it should probably be a male candidate because a female candidate would be accused of being offputting or shrewd or some sexist shit like that.
I don’t know, this looks like it could be a few different things. The guy in the car could have asked if he had something and trump could have patted his pocket to say he has it or maybe he was saying hurry up like how people clap their hands but he used his leg or maybe he was calling her. I don’t know, this might be…
I don’t understand, what do they plan on accomplishing with the dna tests? What am I missing?
I got 10 out of 15 but I think that’s mostly because I actually knew who said some of those things. The ones I got wrong though were crazy for anyone to say. (The ones I got right were also crazy)
I want him to make an obvious error and have someone question his mental health. Just planting that seed should be enough to severely hurt him.
Not gonna lie, that happened to me the first time I tried hitting a speedbag.
I feel like Yang and Castro should switch places.
He doesn’t care about anything what makes you think he’d respect the office?
I saw this thread last night and seriously thought it was a joke. Good for that dude.
Who is Steve Hilton? I didn’t watch the video but it looks like it would be crazy.
How long are people in the shower that they can have a beverage?
Seriously, this should be a much bigger story than it is.
What do you think about the ad where the guy is drinking in the shower? That one almost feels like it’s promoting alcoholism.
Uh... Thor doesn’t fly...
It’s a super modern term. Because Latino/Latina denote gender Latinx was created to be gender-neutral. It’s a little strange at first. I still use Latino/Latina, but I’m not offended by Latinx. Still not used to it.
I don’t know who this Normani person is but based on physical appearance alone, I’m a fan. She knows what she’s doing...
“I wasn’t calling you fat I was calling the other guy behind you fat.”