
If you were expecting this to be a worthy successor to FNV or FO2, I could understand the disappointment. But if you only played FO3, I don’t get it. FO3 wasn’t that great. The writing was terrible. The skill checks were useless. Balance was a joke. Combat was bad. AI was awful. Choice & consequence mostly

Haha, nerds are mental cases.

I know that it’s been said before, but based on all of the hate I have to ask. Is it really that bad? I’m loving the hell out of the game, already looking forward to my next playthrough, and I put 300 hours easy into fo3 and nv. It’s different, yes, but I want change in each iteration of the game. Yes, the game is way

I’m soo sick of these jaded butthurt articles about Fallout. The game is great, my 280+ hrs playing it tells me so. Most of the writers here are total hacks. I’m done with Kotaku, it’s turned in to the Buzzfeed of video games and that’s pretty low as far as writing standards go.

Man this is why the progression of judgment on the internet and such comes at a cost. Half of the comments are from assholes hating on what people like. Gratz on not liking a game that was a huge success and that a lot of people happen to love. Shit I loved the game. I play just as much as you. I am not gonna hate on

I do not understand how we’ve gotten to the point where something like Fallout 4 causes heartbreak. For crying out loud: hyperbole much? If you love it, fine. Like it? Fine. Hate it? Then sell it back and leave everyone else alone. I have been enjoying the hell out of this game for two months straight now, and it’s

Everyone at Kotaku seems to share this same consensus about this game and yet you all have said that you have put tons of hours into it. I don’t know about you, but I’m a pretty busy person and I don’t have 40+ hours to waste on something I dislike. I hate to break to to you, but if you have spent that long on a game,

All of you assholes take FOREVER to come to the realization that post-apocalypse america sucks. That is the point of the game. 200 years after, people suck as much as they do today. Walk around your town now and find compelling stories about individuals. You can’t!

It must be rough having to dislike things according to what makes you cool.

You’re all so damn cynical and impossible to please. Fallout 4 didn’t meet your unattainable expectations? Get over yourself.

this is gonna sound crazy ... I like fallout 4

Completely idiotic Nathan, you’ve just topped yourself. FO4 is among the best of all time.

This, and the other myriad post about how disappointing FO4 was, feel like retaliation for Bethesda blackballing you on review copies and PR.

I find that a lot of people on here or any site actually want to be disappointed by whatever game. Just look at the lengths people go to just to explain why they were disappointed in something. And it’s usually one or two aspects of the game or movie. Like with star wars, I hear all these people that saw it two or

Where’s the stage where people overreact and act like a disappointing game is worse than a hundred Hitlers? Though I guess that’s not really a “stage” so much as a “way of being” forever.

I dont understand the sudden hate train for this game...
Maybe the story doesnt appeal to you because it isnt *just Fallout 3 again*, but frankly the game is awesome.

No, it isnt perfect, because its a bethesda game. You dont play it becuase its perfect. You play it because its an excellent game with all sorts of

I wonder if I’m the only person that honestly enjoys Fallout 4 and think it’s a fun game. I knew from the very beginning it wasnt going to surpass Fallout 3, so probably that has something to do with it.

Didn’t have an account with kinja, made one to comment on this article.

I am happily not going through these stages and just enjoying my game.

Work expands to fit available time. So if you find yourself bored in an open world game full of ballistics and sci-fi, then that’s no one else’s fault but your own. Maybe you should just sit and watch it on twitch for a few minutes before you write an article deciding the game sucks, Mmmkay?