
I'm sad it doesn't light up like a real R2.

My gf snoops as much as humanly possible. I have to make sure I don't leave any trace that may be remotely suspicious.

Much more nerve wracking. Looks like a real skirmish almost.

Can't wait for Steve Jobs to fly in on a Huey while "Ride of the Valkyries" blares and a F-4 Phantom II firebombs the area.*

Seems perfect to me, I dunno what the problem is.

I hated when the new messaging system rolled out. I don't want my messages and chat mixed. I would finish a chat, then close it. Wham, done and done. Now it clutters up my inbox and I have to sift through the crap to find the important stuff I sent in the messages.

Because most games story revolve around just finding a bad guy out of vengeance and killing him. Bioshock gave you a story that was multi-layered and thought provoking, all while being creative and fun to play. The final act action wise wasn't my favorite (fighting multiple enemies while all hell breaks loose isn't

No not seriously since I'll be there.

Seeing trailers for great movies before the snobs at Comic Con make a ruckus about it? Sounds good to me.

Four or Five Ghaddafi soldiers killed? There should have been a predator missile around there somewhere

How about you get a translation to go with these, and not a caption? Unless it really does say "US depicted as dog barking at train" Then I'm just confused.

More like M. Night Shamalan thinking of new movie ideas.

"You don't have to understand any of this stuff to use Macintosh..."

It's called sending a message to multiple friends on facebook. My cisrcle of best friends have a thread on facebook where we can post videos or pictures or links that only we would find interesting. This way, we can skip posting it on 5 peoples walls at once. Also, we can make all the snarky comments we want without

Haha! at Weiners first tweet. I guess his thank you was what those pics were about.

Just one result of being able to toke up at woke.

That video just screams, duechebag.

California burritos are not better with diced potatoes. I've found those places to be worse all together.

Come on San Diego. We have a rare chance to do something cool and you you screw it up. At least he didn't do it at the zoo and kill a panda.

I would have like the stairs to be the main subject of the photo. That being said, I still think it is a great photo.