
They never said they had a plan. I don't know what "real" hackers you know, but LulzSec seemed pretty legit.

I had The Orange Box and loved it. I've always wanted to play TF2 on a computer but couldn't get the money to pay for it, now that it's free I will happily throw my money to ridiculous hats and whatnot.

"Well, if it isn't my old friend, Mr. McCraig, with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg."

That was great. It's like Stephen Colbert as a doctor.

The guy in the illustration must be looking at something sexy, because the guy on the right is totally going "Dat Ass"

It's a shame Playstation wouldn't play by the same rules.

Looks like the rope bridge in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Are there crocodiles at the bottom of this drop too?

Well excuuse me. When did I say this was worse than my iPad? I didn't because I don't have one. I wasn't hating on HTC or Android. I'm simply comparing it to what is considered the best tablet, and that's not being a fanboy. The stylus is just for writing and making notes, so it's even more pointless than what I said

I got it, some interesting stuff in there. One about concealed weapons.

Gawker Media: Your daily source of sensationalism since 2003.

Except the iPad seems better in every respect. Probably the killing blow is that you need an $80 stylus to use it. That alone makes me not want to buy one. When the best feature of your product is buttons that move depending on the orientation, you've failed.

Jeez, I never knew he would be such a dick. People should start taunting him more than ever now.

I was trying to watch Top Gear as well. It must be something with that.

When I try to play a movie, it gets stuck at 7% while loading. Any ideas on why this is happening?

I dunno. You can barely see things fly past as he goes by. And I don't think anyone would be that worried and flapping their hands around if it was simply a simulator.

I followed him on twitter for a while but all he does is bitch and moan about shit that doesn't concern him. We get it, you're a movie critic. That doesn't mean you should critique everything that comes across the tv.

Valve knows nothing of the silly thing you call time.

Yeah how to make a new story that hasn't been touched on yet. And It's pretty hard to see gigantic (not *that* kind of gigantic) Marcus Phoenix in the sex scene.

Think I could snag a photo shoot for some awesome facebook defaults?