
Yeah, but I’m not trying to be funny. There’s the difference.

Well, they’ve certainly stopped being funny...

Darn it, now I want a real Splatoon vs. TF2.

You can’t change loadouts while queuing because the matchmaker is programmed to balance teams around the loadouts. Otherwise, you could end up in games where one team is entirely rollers vs another team entirely made of chargers.

Like...Team League??

I haven’t personally seen how toxic they have been toward him, but I would say much of it is justified.

You must not know what Penders did then.

Seriously, screw Ken Penders.

I remember, um, friends who would ask her where they could dump a body, and she’d look for local dumps and rivers. It was useful creepy.

Hm. Original.

Lest we all forget, this is the same guy who decided he wanted to completely redesign XV into a musical after watching Les Miserables, two years into development.

No, I’d rather play against Sonic thanks. At least he can’t punish you with a 0-death because he caught your jab with a 2-frame counter that freezes you in place for a freaking year.

Yeah, but...a Bayonetta main?

It might not be a traditional fighting game the same way Street Fighter or Tekken might be, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a fighting game. It still has many of the same qualities and characteristics of a fighter, including spacing, area control, a blocking/parry system, combos, etc.

Hsu and Chan!

People who hate Vaan probably don’t like Ishmael either.

You misspelled Frank Caliendo.

You have Ashe as a Samurai, it seems. Are you min/maxing?

Well, you definitely TRIED. But the upvotes were more in my favor. So then you just started insulting and posting nonsensical links. So I dismissed them.

That’s all he does, aside from flame people he doesn’t agree with.