Can someone explain to me what the big deal is about standing for the anthem? Is it a worship thing?
Can someone explain to me what the big deal is about standing for the anthem? Is it a worship thing?
Welp, time to get back to Battlefleet Gothic Armada...
Doggone it, I need to start watching this before EVERYTHING gets spoiled.
I’m using the Razer Chroma Stealth. It’s WONDERFUL.
A winky face...? A - am I flirting?!
Such creatures exist??
Alternatively, if you’re in my situation, you can remind yourself your significant other is a figment of your imagination and will be wherever you left her.
As much as I loved the book (still waiting on book 2), I’m not sure I’m on board with this. I feel like it would be easy to lose the book’s depth to Hollywood’s love of glam and artificial majesty.
What do you think of this recut version?
Whatever you do, for the love of all that is good and holy, avoid Gundam SEED.
I agree, although I’m a bigger fan of ship-to-ship battles, particularly on a capital scale. Say what you will about the prequels, Episode III’s opening with the ships going all broadside on each other was pretty sweet.
Better this than yet more articles about Overwatch porn...
Some of the DLC includes stuff only found in the Ultimate Collector’s Edition, so being able to buy the stuff I missed out on is a plus for me.
That Illidan art though...
PS4 Controller support?
Why was there no fanfare for Battlefleet Gothic Armada? It was really good, imo.