There aren’t enough editors are Kotaku who love Nintendo the way you do.
There aren’t enough editors are Kotaku who love Nintendo the way you do.
Popplio’s supposed final evolution looks way too far out for me to believe it.
Except that SC isn’t being developed by a small team with a half-decent budget. I worry about it sometimes, but I’m still confident that they’ll deliver.
It’s so weird to actually agree 100% with Penny Arcade. Although, to be fair, they should have added Shadows of the Empire to the list.
Any chance Kotaku could start covering table top games like X-Wing Miniatures?
His cosplay is on fire. However, an extinguisher is not required.
Nothing but respect for Team Instinct. You guys keep on being you!
Wow, now I’m even more glad to be part of Team Mystic!
The 7-year-old in me just squealed at the thought of the actual Freedom Fighters being in this.
It’s not perfect (this is Sonic, after all,) but it’s easily my favorite.
I agree and disagree to a point.
Is it wrong for a 28-year-old man to being crying tears of joy over this?
Blah, blah, blah, where’s LEGO Knuckles?!
Man, that sucks.
So does anyone know where I can go for video game related news that doesn’t blast spoilers to the conclusions of major gaming tourneys that I was planning on watching later?
Pretty sure Trump’s entire team is made of Koffings and maybe a Weezing.
Spoken like a true Valor dudebro!
I got Xcom 2 for $25 during the big Prime Day sale, so I’ll probably be firing that up.