
HA! Good one.

This is something I feel like Bethesda messes up in their games.

He could probably legally keep the car as is if he took down his videos and just kept the car as a private individual instead of as a business.

Your SSD didn’t come with drive cloning software? I didn’t have to reinstall anything with mine. I just hooked it up with a USB cable, ran the cloning software, and then swapped out the drives and my computer was just like it had been only loading times were significantly faster!

It is. They already have a poor reputation for bad ports and half assed re-releases.

Are name changes a matter of public record? Couldn’t an investigator just find out somehow?

You can just skip this one. It’s not really any good.

I think sci-fi fans should demand better writing than this. The science in this movie was just awful to the point of being distracting.

Or just hire a decent science consultant to go over the script and work with the writers. Holy cow this wasn’t scientific fiction. It was more like nonsense fiction the science was so bad.

That sucks! People are such idiots sometimes.

Don’t fuck with property that isn’t yours. Period.

That would be an important lesson.

No, that guy wasn’t ill. He was obviously an off duty surgeon.

I was thinking there was another cyberpunk bar tender game already out there.

Hopefully they’re eating burritos instead of crunchy tacos.

It’s a shame motorists aren’t educated to accept cyclists on the roads.

They hate these rental bikes because people leave them at a destination and they pile up before the bike company can retrieve them. When people use their own bikes they have to take them back home at some point.

Just another little town completely ignoring the region it’s in. It probably should have been annexed and redeveloped decades ago. It sucks for the people that live there but it hardly ever makes sense to have low density suburban style neighborhood right on a main artery into a high density city.

Our culture in general has moved away from haggling and on to just shopping for the best advertised price so a lot of people feel uncomfortable in car dealerships where they play games and you don’t really know exactly where you stand.

It’s too bad most places don’t provide adequate public transportation to make listening to that screaming voice easier.