
These PEOPLE. Why can’t they just say they don’t like something instead of feigning allergies? The wife of a friend of mine claims to be allergic to eggs, but only eggs that aren’t hard boiled. She will eat as many hard boiled eggs as the day is long, but no fried, scrambled, or soft boiled eggs because ALLERGIES.

I’m not allergic to anything (that I’m aware of) but there are plenty of things I won’t eat out of sheer dislike for the texture/taste/color red/whateverthefuckelseotherreason. I get being picky about your food more so than most people, so I usually sympathize. But when someone refuses to even make a token effort to


I found his face in my coffee.

Typically cats clean themselves but I will say, I am fostering a kitten right now and when I first brought him home he was just eating gruel (his mom and litter got hit by a car :( ) and he absolutely needed his butt wiped with a baby wipe almost every time I get him out of his kennel. Now that he’s about 10 weeks

Devon Rexes. You wash them and they often don’t mind. They often get a bit grimy where the hair’s sparse (or non-existent). Here is my kitty sitting on my knees in the bath. You’re welcome :)

That is totally standard on the English side of my family.

“It’s supposed to be 1955.”