Strega Nona the Weed Witch

Maybe that’s why Miley likes her so much.

This guy is like my Rita Ora. I can never remember who he’s supposed to be. Producer? Rapper? DJ?


He looks like Macklemore’s worse brother.

Dude has a seriously terminal case of douche-face.

Yup. Gonna have to agree with you AND with AC on this one. She’s definitely a great actor. I don’t think Lena could pull off the long con as well as AC.

I think I have seen about 10 talk therapists in my life. Maybe more. Not a single one brought up timelines and end dates. Not one. Am I just the unluckiest depressed person out there? Also: not a single medication helped either for more than four weeks. Fuck this profession.

I’d put a caveat on that—talk therapy with no defined goal and end date is a scam. A good therapist will help you define goals, develop a timeline for meeting them, and frankly will push you out of the nest if things linger to the point where it’s clear they’re not helping.

A decade. To me this is yet another anecdote that goes into the pile of “talk therapy is a scam.” My own experience provides the bulk of the pile.

maybe a nitpicky point but i am glad they are focusing on the victims in the news rather than the shooter. he deserves no attention. he is not special. he is a racist murderer that deserves a fair trial and then to be put away for the rest of his life. nothing more.

Grandfather, was part of a resume that included this: