
Upscale NYers go there before seeing legends perform, I think. I'm I little shocked they let the show film there.

Halle Berry and others can only take the roles that they are offered. She didn't choose to take terrible parts; better ones weren't offered.

He was funny and not hard to look at, I must say.

Awww…Larry Elder didn't make the cut?


It's the storytelling and lame outfit that made me never love her as a character. And in subsequent decades she's never been developed in a way that made me enjoy her exploits. Comic book characters either connect with the individual reader or not in very large measure due to their powers/costumes. I'm not knocking

…so kind of poetic justice!

C'mon now! Fawcett was defunct!!

Never been a fan of Carol, and I'm old enough to remember when she was still wearing the girl version of Mar-Vell's outfit. Last I read she was all hung ho for the Superhero Registration Act which made her even more unlikeable. This new version reminds me an awful lot of the Perez reboot of Wonder Woman way back in

If the worst that's happened is a pizza and Spike's hordes of followers haven't broken all the windows, I'm not sure how strong a case there is that their lives have been ruined…not excusing the original tweet because that's a crappy thing to do to anyone, even Zimmerman.