
When i beat your mother. I never miss

And his ability to go mediocre with stellar talent. No one wastes nash rondo ellis etc like rick can.

I’ll love you Long time.

It’s OK. Do you need more attention?

I’ve missed you.

Let the objectification of sea turtles/manatees begin. “Omg so cute, wanna ride.” I hope a sea turtle bites you hard.

Wtf ffffffff.

Quiet, you immoral imbecile.

I’d like to abort you. Now.

Let’s talk. Let me get my P in datdat V

Abortion. Lol. You’re super edgy! How do you do it!?

Yall really like each other.... I need intern et buddies I care about..

That’s nasty. Seriously, ewwwwwww.

I n33d you to hack a fag. H3 thinks h3 is 3dgy.

Lol, go home.

Don’t be stupid. De Silva or ftw

I could turn you into a quad. You want you little bitch?

I want to fight you. Meet me in Temecula.

Fuck all your lives. No lives matter that much. Get over it.

Insert footlong *joke* here