
.....nice. .law school drop. Where at yo? I know you? Stop me if your last name starts with an F...

Your commenters seem to know more about ball than you do. I don’t even believe you play basketball... I won’t pile, you’re getting dominated as is.

That’s two fails on one article...give it a rest dude.

Don’t open your mouth when its not required. Its not ladylike.

You are the load your mom should have swallowed. Fuck your third degree, that was a harmless comment. lollll

Lol yes keep the one person who actually caused someone’s death. How very rational of you.

Split hairs all you want. I’ll call both a compulsion then....I can have self-imposed compulsions. Point remains intact

I don’t have a claim or right but you can’t speak on my obligations...I can self-impose obligations, can’t I? My agency....

You pretty much got what I mean. I just want the wide range of resources to be available and be utilized. Ideal, not likely tho

Yup lifelong vegetarian... I don’t even eat egg :/ it really doesn’t bother me when others eat meat, I just can’t comprehend ever even taking a bite out of an animal.

Can we reclaim agency while trying to protect the unborn? Are the two mutually exclusive?

I dont feel good about it. Youre entirely correct in your explanation, I don’t have scientific logic to dispute you. I just don’t like it instinctively. Ya know what I’m saying?

It seems to me that if nature was allowed to take its course, the 6 wk old baby would be viable. Inhibiting viability and claiming its OK to kill the baby because its not viable (YET) just feels wrong to me.

Oh wow how quickly you changed your tune about requiring a degree to understand relevant subject matter. You are welcome. Boom. Toasted.

Ooh are you gonna now whip out your magical Psych degree and diagnose me? Please GTFO

I don’t have dreams (Thx for bringing that up). Also, I guarantee if your teaching skills parallel your ability to have a clear discussion online, your kids are learning nothing from you. But they may learn how to hold their race as credibility, bcuz that’s really all you have going...and you may even be lying about

LOL, where do you teach?

I could ahem *bless you* real quick....

LOL @ “pretty white lady”