
Yeah, but then you have to take a baby to the potty every hour, which sucks. It never fails that as soon as you sit down for a short rest, baby gotta potty.

Yeah, it would be a per wieiekem.

How about instead of me guessing how many are in there, you guess how many I want? If you guessed a handful, you are correct.

I agree, and find the answers suggested by those below you to be weak at best. The Weather Channel and Wikipedia offer up the following, which I believe does a pretty good job of theorizing why people get more colds in winter than in summer.

I'm glad the phase of the moon is so prominently displayed, you know, since I'm a werewolf. Oh wait, no I'm a cat. I care about the moon because the solunar tables help me catch more fish.

I like Granddaddy, but I feel that just most of their songs would benefit from an editor cutting about 25% out of each song. On the positive side, not only does Granddaddy own the best song about a robot friend, but also the best song about a dad throwing a lion off a balcony at MGM Grand.

I think of LA as a city with one block that is scary, then the next block over is normal, then the next block is Rodeo Drive, then the next block is normal, then the next block is scary, and on and on. I've never been to another city where the blocks are ordered like that. Most places have a scary area, and a normal

The History Channel: History is so boring to the average consumer that instead of actual history, we show fake history!

You must be in a call center or in a store or something. In order to be an actual manager (3rd level or higher in a corporate building), you need a Masters degree at AT&T, Sprint, TMobile, and Verizon.

Because he's so in the zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Actually because it's a fake movie about a comic book character- where in comics there's no such thing as a blast zone or shockwave. it would have been funny if he had like spiked the ball and it blew up right at the same point and came back and nailed him in the

I've actually never been able to get FireFox to install on Win2KPro. So it's compatible? I don't really care one way or another what brower I use. I've never tried Chrome.

Man I soooooo get hacked everyday! I should stop running mission critical applications on my home server!!! Oh wait, no I don't get hacked or have any mission critical applications on my home sever. So I don't really care.

right on. I have old version of windows xp and windows 2000 that work fine for what I use them for. I see no point in upgrading.

Are they going to make it compatible with older versions of windows? i have 6 on a version of Windows 2000 that I use as a home server. It works just fine as a testing box and home server, so why would I upgrade my OS to get a new internet browser? I would upgrade but 6 was the last version compatible with Windows

Anytime anyone says ""Have you never seen a grown naked man" (and in my world it comes up a lot) I imagine it's a homage to Airplane.

Anytime anyone says ""Have you never seen a grown naked man" (and in my world it comes up a lot) I imagine it's a homage to Airplane.

Anytime anyone says ""Have you never seen a grown naked man" (and in my world it comes up a lot) I imagine it's a homage to Airplane.

The things, you say

the article sort of explained it - first the humdity is not right, unless you put it in a humidty controlled crisper. And it also picks up other flavors from your other food in the refrigerator. and the mold that forms needs to be scraped off. So if you had a dedicated fridge where you could set the humidty (a meat

Barney Frank is a king of morons and largely responsible for the mess that housing is currently in. That's why he's quitting. I'll give you Elizabeth Warren.