
I would not describe COD games as 'realistic military shooter'.

Why doesn't he just give it all away now and go back to work? Because he's full of crap that's why.

Yeah, i agree with you. A second million to a billion ain't nothing, except that it allows you to buy up a majority of the nice real estate around Redmond to put your fortress on.

The light rail system where i live dumps out dollar coins. It's like saying 'here take a coin you will never use'.

All cable, power, and internet service companies sell door to door. If i wanted to, I could change providers what seems like once a week. This week i'll have direct tv, but next week dish, and the week after that FIOS.

Yeah, the getting home from work and it's dark thing pisses me off too. hear hear!

I think my household would turn the 'learning function' on that thing into the equivelent of Miss South Carolina. My wife constantly turning the heater up to 77 or something in the morning and me turning it off 20 minutes later.

Netbooks are very pointless when you can buy a full laptop for $300 ($50 more or $50 less than a netbook, depending on which one you get) and the laptop has better specs than the netbook, but that $300 laptop is not a very good analogue to a tablet. I'm surprised they sold as many netbooks as they have.

It took a whole "postal system". You know a mail man to pick it up, a local mail processing center, a regional mail processing center, a truck to drive it to the next local processing center, then a mail man to deliver it.

You are right. I don't see the frosted glass dome of the Business Admin building which is clearly visibile from Murdough.

I had a somewhat similar baseball field at my house growing up, but since we lived in BFE, never enough people to play, so mostly it was me hitting while my brother chased the hits down. Yeah, it was nice being the older brother, but i would have traded that field in a minute for a public park and a few neighbors.

Ninja lazer beams mcawesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes all the exclamation points should be included as well

Was that taken from the 4th floor of Stangel/Murdough Hall? I lived there many years ago. Lubbock was a great town to go to college in. Too bad there aren't many good tech jobs there.

The first one was pretty good. The second and 3rd, well, you already know the game, so they aren't as good.

So FCC uses a taller and thinner than average American?

Verizon already has a good (maybe great) 4G LTE network, and you see how few phones are out for it. That's how far the US is ahead of the world in mobile internet.

Probably because AT&T doesn't control which radio bands manufacturers put into phones for one and for two the LTE roaming specs from 3GPP are not complete.

Sort of, but not exactly. The LTE network doesn't require the 700 mhz spectrum, it's just the best at penetrating buildings.

I'm pretty sure it growls to stem territorial disputes primarily against the lungs and small intestine.

Islands in the Sun is good enough, but if I ever hear Beverly freaking Hills again, I'm personally going to go kill the members of Weezer in a fashion that would make Hannibal Lecter sick.