
No, you also must be nicknamed Dr Dre and put that on your product.

And then they should call the next version Nexsus Sss to mess with people with lisps.

The iphone 4s is disappointed in you.

Apple doesn't care about market share. They have close to 30% profit margins! If they wanted market share, they would lower their prices and profit margins and drive for market share.

Does fake girlfriend nag if you silence her ring or ignore her texts?

Open an etrade, ameritrade, scott trade, sharebuilder, etc accout. check Bank of America if you have them for regular banking...they are all pretty easy. Some times it may take a few days to transfer money in, so you have to hope Kodak'll be down for a couple of days.

to distinguish spiderman style "amazing", you know, swinging from webs.

The cable companies are discussing because they purchase the channels from other groups, and the cable companies would need to present a united front against the group selling the channels, or the sellers will simply say 'NO'.

There are no dumb feature phones that support LTE currently (that I'm aware of), but there will be in the future.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with the killer ants (yeah I watched it, so what?).

No way In Utero is better. I mean on 'Rape Me', they ripped off themselves! Sorry Nirvana, but you aren't that clever. And 'Heart Shaped Box' is just straight up boring. Half the songs on the album are just a lazy pointless waste. I agree that the Foo Fighters are good, and Dave Grohl is great. But the Foo Fighters

They aren't leaving for sprint in any numbers. Sprint is still losing customers, not gaining. This last quarter might have seen a small gain, but for the year, they are down.

Are you a CEO? Then how dare you question their decisions?! Grouping things intelligently is for line workers.

It kinda stinks that you can't subcategorize, but rather just pile the variables on top of one another. I want to know what operating system poor old thin caucasians in population dense areas use!

I think Phantom Menace is a bad film. The plot arcs around Jar Jar, who is an incredibly annoying and unpopular character, and ultimately a footnote with nothing to do with the last 3. Why make the movie center around him?

Ewoks eat stormtroopers and use their helmets as drums! Jar Jar farts and screws around.

I have an LG - not this particular model - and I've never noticed any lag. Not sure if that helps, but I think it's at least something they think about.

If you are looking at the right chart, the red colored area coincides with something they stole from Twitter, the gray from Google+, etc. So the 'cheat sheet' is for which website to look at to take the best stuff, which is the joke I guess.

probably a rat!

And it might have been a good idea at first, but then the Ford Explorer became the Mercury Mountaineer, and they created situations where they buyers crossed shopped their OWN BRANDS, driving marketing costs up and prices down.